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Song structure

A song is typically structured with various parts that come together to create a musical composition. Here are the common parts of a song and how they fit together:


The introduction is the beginning of the song. It sets the mood and prepares the listener for what's to come. It's usually instrumental, but it can also include some lyrical content.


The verse is where the story or message of the song is often conveyed through lyrics. It's usually repeated multiple times in a song and can have slight variations in the lyrics to keep it interesting.


The chorus is the catchiest part of the song. It typically has the same lyrics each time it's repeated and serves as the emotional or thematic core of the song. It's the part that listeners are most likely to remember.


The bridge provides a contrast to the verses and choruses. It often introduces new lyrics, melodies, or harmonies, and it can offer a different perspective or emotion compared to the rest of the song. It serves as a break from the repetition of verses and choruses.


Some songs include a pre-chorus, which is a section that comes before the chorus. It builds anticipation for the chorus and often has slightly different lyrics and melody compared to the verse.


The outro is the ending of the song. It can be a repetition of the chorus, a fade-out, or a unique musical ending that brings the song to a close.

These are the primary parts of a song's structure, but not all songs include every element. The arrangement and combination of these parts can vary widely depending on the style and genre of the music. Songwriters use these elements to create a cohesive and engaging musical journey for the listener.

An example: "Imagine" by J.Lennon

A great song to use as an example for explaining the intro, chorus, verse, and outro is "Imagine" by John Lennon. This song has a clear and simple structure that makes it easy to understand these song parts.

Intro: The song starts with a simple and iconic piano melody, which serves as the intro. It's instrumental and sets the mood for the song.

Verse: John Lennon begins singing in the first verse with the famous lyrics, "Imagine there's no heaven..." The verses continue to tell a story and convey the message of the song.

Pre-chorus: The pre-chorus prepares to the chorus, that is the powerful and memorable part of the song with the lyrics, "Imagine all the people, living life in peace..." It's repeated several times throughout the song and serves as the central theme.

2nd Verse:

"Imagine there's no countries..."


Same as before.


Finally the chorus: "You may say I'm a dreamer..."

3th Verse:

"Imagine there's no possessions..."


Same as before.

Chorus as Outro: The song concludes with a final repetition of the chorus. There isn't a dedicated outro.

"Imagine" by J.Lennon