The website of musical harmony and chords

Major scale
(or Ionian mode scale)

Major Scale Formula

The major scale follows the formula: T - T - S - T - T - T - S

  1. Start on any note (tonic)
  2. Move up a whole step (T)
  3. Move up another whole step (T)
  4. Move up a half step (S)
  5. Move up a whole step (T)
  6. Move up a whole step (T)
  7. Move up a whole step (T)
  8. Move up a half step (S)

For example, if we start on the note C, applying the formula gives us the C major scale:

  • C - D - E - F - G - A - B - C

This formula can be applied to any starting note to construct the major scale in different keys.