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Natural minor scale
(or Aeolian mode scales)

Natural Minor Scale

The natural minor scale follows the formula: T - S - T - T - S - T - T

  1. Start on any note (tonic)
  2. Move up a whole step (T)
  3. Move up a half step (S)
  4. Move up a whole step (T)
  5. Move up a whole step (T)
  6. Move up a half step (S)
  7. Move up a whole step (T)
  8. Move up a whole step (T)

For example, if we start on the note A, applying the formula gives us the A natural minor scale:

  • A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A

The natural minor scale is commonly used in descending melodies. However, when ascending, it is common to raise the 6th and 7th degrees by one semitone to create a melodic minor scale:

  • A - B - C - D - E - F# - G# - A (Ascending)
  • A - G - F - E - D - C - B - A (Descending)

This alteration in the ascending form allows for smoother melodic movement.