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The guitar fretboard CAGED

The CAGED System for Guitar

Click the notes on the guitar fretboard to hear them.

E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4
F2 A#2/Bb2 D#3/Eb3 G#3/Ab3 C4 F4
F#2/Gb2 B2 E3 A3 C#4/Db4 F#4/Gb4
G2 C3 F3 A#3/Bb3 D4 G4
G#2/Ab2 C#3/Db3 F#3/Gb3 B3 D#4/Eb4 G#4/Ab4
A2 D3 G3 C4 E4 A4
A#2/Bb2 D#3/Eb3 G#3/Ab3 C#4/Db4 F4 A#4/Bb4
B2 E3 A3 D4 F#4/Gb4 B4
C3 F3 A#3/Bb3 D#4/Eb4 G4 C5
C#3/Db3 F#3/Gb3 B3 E4 G#4/Ab4 C#5/Db5
D3 G3 C4 F4 A4 D5
D#3/Eb3 G#3/Ab3 C#4/Db4 F#4/Gb4 A#4/Bb4 D#5/Eb5
E3 A3 D4 G4 B4 E5
F3 A#3/Bb3 D#4/Eb4 G#4/Ab4 C5 F5
F#3/Gb3 B3 E4 A4 C#5/Db5 F#5/Gb5
G3 C4 F4 A#4/Bb4 D5 G5
G#3/Ab3 C#4/Db4 F#4/Gb4 B4 D#5/Eb5 G#5/Ab5
A3 D4 G4 C5 E5 A5
A#3/Bb3 D#4/Eb4 G#4/Ab4 C#5/Db5 F5 A#5/Bb5
B3 E4 A4 D5 F#5/Gb5 B5

The CAGED system is a fundamental concept for guitar players to understand. It helps in visualizing and navigating the fretboard by breaking it down into five chord shapes, each based on the open chord shapes of C, A, G, E, and D.

Key Concepts:

  • The CAGED system provides a way to connect familiar chord shapes all over the fretboard.
  • It allows you to play scales and chords in various positions on the neck.
  • Understanding CAGED helps with improvisation and songwriting.

The CAGED Chord Shapes:

Here are the basic open chord shapes used in the CAGED system:

C Chord Shape in YELLOW

A Chord Shape in GREEN

G Chord Shape in RED

E Chord Shape in BLUE

D Chord Shape in ORANGE

How to Use the CAGED System:

To use the CAGED system effectively:

  • Identify the root note of the chord shape you want to use.
  • Move the chord shape up or down the neck while keeping the root note in the same position.
  • Learn to connect these shapes to play scales and chords across the fretboard.

The CAGED system is a powerful tool for guitarists to expand their fretboard knowledge, enabling them to play with more freedom and creativity. Practice and explore these shapes to unlock the full potential of your guitar playing.